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Essay group- ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY - Homeschooling

Essay group

Balqist hamada
Etika suzerein
Nazila rikhussubha

Should Homeschooling Be Implemented?

Most people define ‘homeschooling’ as having school at home; educating children at home. Brian Ray of HSLDA defines homeschooling as a learning situation in which children spend the majority of their day in their home in lieu of attending a conventional institution of learning (Ray, 1997). Lately, many parents have decided to homeschool their children. The population of homeschooling itself is continuing to grow at an estimated 2% to 8 % per annum over the past few years (Ray, 1997). In Indonesia, the implementation of homeschooling has started to appear since 2005 (Sugiarti, 2009) and seems to increase until now. In fact, homeschooling has become a highly debatable issue; it still remains an enigma to many people.  However, the implementation of homeschooling should be conducted by parents to their children due to its advantages.

Homeschooling is more effective because parents are capable of building an intimate relationship with their children. Compared to public schools which spend eight hours just for studying, homeschooling offers more flexible time. It means that it could be less than public schools have, according to the necessity of the children themselves. With a lot of time that is spent together with their children, parents are able to measure and keep their eyes on children’s emotional and psychological development. From that, parents could find out their talents and interests. Basically, parents demand what is best for their children. Therefore, they would like to sacrifice their time just for teaching and searching some materials for their children. As the result, the homeschooled children are easy to reach high score in academic test rather than public school (Setiawati, 2010). It can happen because the teaching system is suited with the children’s want. There is a statement “It is not what you teach, but rather how you teach” (Moreau, 2012).

Homeschooling is considered safer regarding the cases of crimes founded in public schools such as bullying, shooting, abusing, etc. It is appalling enough knowing students who should study in comfort are supposed to encounter bad treatments, either mentally or physically. As written in Outlook India, Nobel Peace laureate Kailash Satyarthi assumes that public schools are no longer safe. “ ..schools were considered to be the safest place for children. However, in the light of recent atrocities, schools are unfortunately not safe anymore. We have failed in ensuring security for our children”, he said. Coming up with current incidents like school shooting occured in Florida and student sexual abuse did by teachers which happened in one of regions in Indonesia, parents are likely encouraged to homeschool their children in terms of their safety. Not only parents, attending public schools are frightening for children as well. There are more than 160.000 students who stay home each day in order not to be bullied (Denis, 2015). According to it, homeschooling is effective to get rid of bullying because, as quoted from Morabito in her article (2018), “There are really no universal policies against bullying in public schools that would afford all students equal protection”.

Some people argue that homeschooled children seem to have a lack of socialization; lonely and friendless, and sometimes homeschooling feels boring for children. It is possible that by joining homeschooling, children tend not to have a lot of friends compared to children in public school. In addition, homeschooling definitely can cause the children feel bored and make them distracted so they may begin not to pay attention on the tutor or private teacher’s explanation. However, in these cases, actually parents and teachers take a key role for the children. The teachers are the ones who take responsibility in attracting studens to be always eager for studying. For instance, when it is on learning process, the teacher can intersperse it with playing a fun game. Besides, not all homeschooled children have less socialization because parents can put them in any kind of social events like group sports or music community. Based on the research done, homeschooled students frequently remain dealing with social and educational activities outside their homes. They are commonly involved in activities such as field trips, scouting, 4-H, political drives, church ministry, sports teams, and community volunteer work (Ray, 2018). Thus, the opportunity of the children to have social interaction is not limited anymore.

The available evidence clearly leads to the conclusion that homeschooling should be implemented due to its benefit for both children and parents. In fact, by joining homeschooling, children feel safer with parental care at home while parents can monitor children’s development as well. Although some people believe that homeschooled student will be lack of socialization, it is not 100% true. They are still able to have a good socialization as long as they join social events. Moreover, flexible time of homeschooling also makes them able to join social activities. Therefore, public school is not the only option for parents to give children the best education.

Denis, J. (2015, Juny 25). Why aren’t Schools Safe? Retrieved from
Morabito, S. (2018, February 21). 13 Ways Public Schools Incubate Mental Instability In Kids. Retrieved from
Moreau, K. (2012). Specific Differences in The Educational Outcomes of Those Students who are Home Schooled vs. Students in A Traditional School Setting. Master’s Thesis. Retrieved from
Ray, B. (1997). Home education across the United States. Retrieved May 15, 1998, from

Satyarthi, L.K. (2017). Schools Are No More Safe For Children, Retrieved from
Setiawati, E. (2010). Interaksi Social Teman Sebaya pada Anak Homeschooling dan Anak Sekolah Regular. Master’s Thesis. Retrieved from
Sugiarti, D. Y. (2009). Mengenal Homeschooling sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Alternatif. Edukasi, 1(2), 13-22.


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