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Tourism Development in ASEAN

Tourism Development

According H. Kodhyat (1983: 4) was as follows: Tourism was traveling from one place to another, done individually or in groups, temporarely, in an effort to seek a balance and the happiness to the environment in the social, cultural, nature and science. Tourism is always develop year by year. Here, we divide the development into several parts they are The Development Tourism in the World, ASEAN and Indonesia.
In the World, The Development Tourism was begun from a trip that was first carried out by primitive nations from one place to another place for the purpose of survival. The primitive did trip just to defend their life. In the 1760-1850 there is Industrial Revolution that made many changes in political and economy system. The big result from the revolution of industrial is that there were increasing of transportations, hospitality industry and the emergence of a travel agent. Moreover, after World War I, the use of car transport was changing. It just used for private travel. The World War I had been giving a benefit to people in the world because they had an experience to know other countries, so that it arouse interest in travelling to other countries. Then, in 20th century, it is also emerged a motorization, aircraft and the emergence of travel agents. As we can see, nowadays, everyone can do the trip easier, because of the advancement of transportation and another supporting facilities for vacation. (Indonesia, 2015)
While in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), the tourism has increased significantly, lately. The attraction that ASEAN has are amazing natural resources and its culture diversity. For its natural tourism, tourists usually come to Indonesia, because there are many choice of spot there. While for culture tour, the tourists will visit Indonesia, Thailand, and Cambodia sequentially because it is pathways sequence of the Syailendra dynasty civilization.  (Perkembangan Pariwisata ASEAN). The number of tourist visits to ASEAN countries since the early 90s has continued to increase every year. Both Regional and international tourists make ASEAN as one of tourist destination because there are the increasing standard or the quality that support tourist to visit ASEAN countries. In 2018, tourists visiting ASEAN region were able to penetrate 125 million visits. This is due to the implementation of the ASEAN One Single Destination of Sustainable program, a program of cooperation between governments in the ASEAN countries concerning tourism. Here, the government offers excellence "tours from each country then makes it into a tour package. (Rizaldi, 2018)
While in Indonesia, tourism was started on 8th century, especially in the old Java. It could be seen through reliefs in Borobudur temple that draw of selling drink and also a stall. Then, on 19th century, The Dutch Indies area began to develop attraction for immigrants from the Netherlands. The governor decided to create a tour agency called Vereeneging Toeristen Verkeer. Indonesian government also formed an agency called HONET (National & Tourism Hotel) on July 1913. During new order period, foreigner that come to Indonesia has increased day by day. However, during 2002-2009, the number of tourists to Indonesia decreased. It was caused by several terrors and bombings. Then on 2011, The Indonesian government began to ratify the Constitution and also created a tourism symbol that was named Wonderful Indonesia. Finally, in 2015, Indonesia ranks fourth in the Southeast Asia Tourism Destinations. Indonesia has the most visitors after Malaysia. It is about 10 million visitors each year. (Secretary, 2016) Then, in 2017 a website reported that Indonesia able to attract 11,4 million tourists to come to Indonesia. (Yuanita, 2017)
Those are the development that are occur in the world, ASEAN, and Indonesia. Apparently, tourism will continue to develop, considering there is a development of technology and another supporting facilities. Therefore, the country that have potential in tourism will be able to make tourism income be one of their greatest-country income.


Albert, E. (2017, November 1). ASEAN: The Association of Southeast Asian Nation. Council on Foreign Relations.
Indonesia, M. T. (2015, June). Sejarah Perkembangan Pariwisata Dunia. Maritim.
McIntosh Robert W. 1984. Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies. Grid Publishing, Inc., Columbus, Ohio
Perkembangan Pariwisata ASEAN. (n.d.). repository umy.
Rizaldi, F. (2018, January 26). Program ASEAAN One Single Destination of Sustainable Tourism Menuai Sukses.
Secretary, A. (2016, November 23). Indonesia, Posisike-4 Destinasi Pariwisata di Asia Tenggara.
Yuanita, P. (2017, July 5). Pariwisata Indonesia Tumbuh Paling Pesat di Asia Tenggara.

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