Analyse word “sak” from
Javanese into Bahasa Indonesia Perspective
Analyzing Javanese words is something challenging for the author
because sometimes, some words in Javanese has many meanings, categories and
functions. In this paper, the author tries to analyze Javanese word “sak”,
and the author would like to compare and contrast the word with Bahasa
Indonesia perspective
The word sak in Java has kinds of categories. If it stands
alone, it has two meanings in Bahasa Indonesia. They are karung and saku,
and their categories are noun. Sometimes in Java, there will be
misunderstanding between speaker and the listener when they are talking about
this word. It can be happened if we pronounce /k/ in different way, for example
we will have meaning pocket or saku if we pronounce /k/ in word sak
like saying (‘) in the middle of the word, as in the word sa’id.
However, sak will have meaning sack or karung if we pronounce /k/
with puffing the air.
word sak in Javanese will has meaning prefix se- in Bahasa
Indonesia if it is followed by other word. In this example, the word sak has
category as adjunct and the function as modifier.
meaning one
Wes sak
ulan Fahmi durung mbayar utang.
Sudah satu/se- bulan fahmi
belum bayar hutang.
It’s been a
month Fahmi hasn’t paid the debt.
meaning a whole
Wong sak omah wes podo turu kabeh
Orang serumah sudah tidur semua
Everyone in the house is already sleeping
meaning after (adv of time)
Watuk e rodhok mendo sak wise ngombe obat
Batuk nya agak reda setelah minum obat
His cough is subsided after taking the medicine
meaning supposition
Sak pinter pintere wong mesti tau nggae
Sepintar-pintarnya orang pasti pernah
membuat kesalahan
between sak in Javanese and prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia
category as adverb and the function as modifier
(Show adverb of time)
Watuk e rodhok
mendo sak wise ngombe obat
Batuk nya agak
reda setelah minum obat
His cough is
subsided after taking the medicine
by suffix “-e” or in Bahasa inonesia “-nya”
Javanese people often say
“sak” by adding “e” for the final letter. it also happens in Bahasa Indonesia,
it has meaning suffix “-nya”. The meaning of
“-e” here, doesn’t mean possession but just a suffix. A combination of prefixes and suffixes that form
a unity like this is called konfiks in Indonesia.
Sakjane, Agis ga usah nulis materi maneh
Sebenarnya, Agis tidak usah menulus materi lagi
Actually, Agis
doesn’t need to write the material anymore
be ended with accusative pronoun
“-e” in Javanese can have meaning possession, so it can be
replaced by another accusative pronoun.
Pas wisuda,
diki nggowo adik e, bapak e sak tonggo ne pisan
Saat wisuda,
diki membawa adiknya, ayahnya beserta tetangganya juga
At graduation
ceremony, diki brings his little brother, his father and also his neighbor
Mben lek aku
rabi, aku kate ngundang awakmu sak pacarmu pisan.
Nanti jika aku
menikah, aku akan mengundangmu beserta pacarmu juga.
Someday if I
got married, I will invite you with your boyfriend also.
Sak as an adverb can be placed in the beginning, middle, and final of
the sentence just like other adverbs. However, not all adjunctive adverbs are
equally mobile. The choice of position is determined by its type
(circumstantial, modal, degree, etc.), the scope of its meaning (whole clause
or part of clause) the degree of emphasis the speaker wishes to give to it, and
the general information structure of the clauses.
Sakjane, awakmu iku
Awakmu sakjane iku ayu
Awakmu iku ayu, sakjane
between sak and prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia
way of writing
In writing word sak, it
must be separated with the following word. it is quite different with the way of
writing prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia. Prefix se- must be merged
with the following word except if the next word uses capital letter in the
beginning. For example, se-Indonesia, se-Asia, etc.
Sak durunge turu aku mesti sikatan disek
Sebelum tidur aku pasti menyikat gigiku terlebih dahulu
Before I go to bed
I brush my teeth first
But there is an exception for sakjane, this word has meaning
prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia. However, in writing, it’s merged with
the following word. We can’t separate it like sak jane because it will
lose its meaning.
always mean prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia
Sometimes Javanese people use word sak for many purposes, and
it can’t be translated as prefix se- as usually, for example
(has function
as preposition)
Pas wisuda,
diki nggowo adik e, bapak e sak tonggo ne pisan
Saat wisuda,
diki membawa adiknya, ayahnya beserta tetangganya juga
At graduation
ceremony, diki brings his little brother, his father and also his neighbor
When the author did the
research, some Javanese people mentioned sakken belong to this
discussion. However, it’s totally different. The word sakken can’t be
separated with the next letters. If it separated, it will have no meaning. In
addition, sakken doesn’t contain prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia.
Aku rumongso sakken
nang Diki
Aku merasa kasihan
kepada Diki
I feel pity on
Aku rumongso
sak ken nang Diki
*Aku merasa
????? kepada Diki
*I feel ????? on Diki
If word sak stands alone, the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia
can be saku and karung, and their categories are noun. But, if
the word sak on Javanese is followed by some particular words, they will
have meaning prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia, such as sak karepe, sak isone and their
categories are adverb. Moreover, there are some words that begin with sak
but they don’t have meaning like prefix se- in Bahasa Indonesia, such as
sak tonggone, sak adike. Their categories are preposition. The last, there
are also words begin with sak but it category doesn’t belong to
preposition, noun, or even adverb, for example sakken.
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Yule George. 1985.
The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge Universiy Press.
Angela Downing.
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Hall International (UK)
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